Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Birthday to Barbados!

International pop star Rihanna, a native of Barbados. *Photo from Wikipedia November 30 is Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Barbados from the United Kingdom in 1966. Inhabited by Kalinago people (or “Island Caribs”) since the 13th century, and prior to that by other Amerindians, Barbados was visited by Spanish navigators in the late 15th century and claimed for the Spanish Crown. It first appeared in a Spanish map in 1511. The Portuguese visited the island in 1536, but they left it unclaimed, with their only remnants being an introduction of wild hogs for a good supply of meat whenever

Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Birthday to Panama!

A couple dancing Panamanian Cumbia. *Photo from Wikipedia November 3 Independence Day / Separation Day, celebrates the separation and independence of Panama from Colombia in 1903. Panama was inhabited by several indigenous tribes prior to settlement by the Spanish in the 16th century. Panama broke away from Spain in 1821 and joined a union of Nueva Granada, Ecuador, and Venezuela named the Republic of Gran Colombia. When Gran Colombia dissolved in 1831, Panama and Nueva Granada remained joined, eventually becoming the Republic of Colombia. With the backing of the United States, Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903, allowing the Panama

Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Birthday to Dominica!

Roseau, the capital and largest city of Dominica. *Photo from Wikipedia November 3 is Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Dominica from the United Kingdom in 1978. The island was originally inhabited by the Kalinago and later colonized by Europeans, predominantly by the French from the 1690s to 1763. Columbus is said to have passed the island on Sunday, November 3, 1493, and the island’s name is derived from the Latin for “Sunday”. Great Britain took possession in 1763 after its defeat of France in the Seven Years’ War, and it gradually established English as the official language. The island

Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Birthday to Antigua and Barbuda!

English Harbour, Antigua. *Photo from Wikipedia November 1 is Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Antigua and Barbuda from the United Kingdom in 1981. The islands were inhabited by three successive Amerindian (Pre-Columbian peoples of the Americans) societies. The islands were neglected by the first wave of European colonization, but were settled by England in 1632. Under British control, the islands witnessed an influx of both Britons and African slaves. In 1981, the islands were granted independence as the modern state of Antigua and Barbuda. Antigua and Barbuda is a twin-island country lying between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic

Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Birthday to Belize!

Traditional dancers in Belize. *Photo from Wikipedia September 21 is Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Belize from the United Kingdom in 1981. The first recorded European settlement was established by shipwrecked English seamen in 1638. Over the next 150 years, more English settlements were established. This period also was marked by piracy, indiscriminate logging, sporadic attacks by natives, and neighboring Spanish settlements. Great Britain first sent an official to the area in the late 17th century, but Belize was not formally termed the “Colony of British Honduras” until 1840. It became a crown colony in 1862. Full internal self-government

Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Birthday to Saint Kitts and Nevis!

A view of Nevis island from the southeastern peninsula of Saint Kitts. *Photo from Wikipedia September 19 is Independence Day of Saint Kitts and Nevis, celebrates the independence of the two-island country from the United Kingdom in 1983. The islands were discovered by the Europeans through a Spanish expedition under Columbus in 1493. In 1538, French Huguenots established a settlement on St. Kitts. The settlement was destroyed by the Spanish soon afterwards and the survivors were deported. In 1623, an English settlement was established. This was soon followed by French settlements, and the island being divided by an agreement between

Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Birthday to Jamaica!

The streets of Kingston, the capital and largest city of Jamaica. *Photo from Wikipedia August 6 is Independence Day of Jamaica, celebrates the independence of Jamaica from the United Kingdom in 1962. Inhabited by the indigenous Arawak and Taíno peoples, the island came under Spanish rule following the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1494. Early inhabitants of Jamaica named the land ‘Xaymaca,’ meaning “Land of wood and water.” Many of the indigenous people died of disease, and the Spanish imported African slaves as laborers. Named Santiago, the island remained a possession of Spain until 1655, when England (later Great Britain)

Happy Birthday to the countries!

Happy Birthday to the Bahamas!

Junkanoo celebration in Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas. Junkanoo is a street parade with music, dance, and costumes across the Bahamas every Boxing Day (December 26) and New Year’s Day (January 1). *Photo from Wikipedia July 10 is Independence Day, celebrates the independence of the Bahamas from the United Kingdom in 1973. The Bahamas became a British Crown colony in 1718, when the British clamped down on piracy. After the American War of Independence, the Crown resettled thousands of American Loyalists in the Bahamas; they brought their slaves with them and established plantations on land grants. Africans constituted the