We should always think differently in order to succeed in business.

日本語 Interview by Isao Tokuhashi   Aw Wanping (Singapore) Entrepreneur/Researcher One day we received a message on LinkedIn that said, “I came across one of your interviews and wonder if it would be possible to be interviewed.” This message was sent to us by an entrepreneur from Singapore. However, looking at her background, most of her experience was as a researcher in the medical field. The website of her company, TokudAw, introduced not only her but also her co-owners, but we were still very curious about how she started her own business in the travel field with almost no experience


Living your dream is the easiest thing to do in life. What is difficult, is to pretend that your dream does not exist.

Interviewed & written by Isao Tokuhashi Mail to:   I Believe That Dreams Can Come True Part2 (Singapore) Dream-inspiring-dream project Tay & Val, Singaporean girls who carry out the global project called “I Believe That Dreams Can Come True“, said bye to everything in their home and started a long, long journey to inspire people to pursue their dreams, prompt smiles from people and make them happy. They’re going to do this across the globe. They don’t imagine how many people they’ll meet. And they don’t seem to imagine how many dreams they hear and talk to others about.


The moment you tell people about your dream, you have already taken one step closer to it.

Interviewed & written by Isao Tokuhashi Mail to:   I Believe That Dreams Can Come True Part1 (Singapore) Dream-inspiring-dream project We bring you the interviews with “I Believe That Dreams Can Come True”, the global-scale project by little girls. Two Singaporean girls, Tay and Val, embarked on an around-the-globe journey. They didn’t choose to take any public transportation. They decided to travel around the world by tiny, little bicycles. They set out on a journey with no end in sight in order to talk to people about the importance of dreams. They plan to see old and young people all