I have been giving back to the children of Japan and young people from other countries the kindness I received from my teacher in my childhood.
日本語 Interview by Isao Tokuhashi info@myeyestokyo.com Rizalyn Pascual Gonoi (The Philippines) Supervising organization staff About 10 years ago, we held English conversation meetings and presentation events many times at a co-working space in Tokyo. At that time, Ms. Rizalyn Pascual Gonoi helped us as an English speaker and English MC. We met her again in the fall of this year (2023). She, whom we affectionately call “Riza-san,” participated in the “Multicultural Panel Discussion: Psychological Barriers in a Multicultural Japan” (*Hosted by Global Peace Foundation Japan), which MET editor-in-chief Tokuhashi was involved in planning. We felt the gap of time and