To live in Japan is a very good education for all Westerners.

Interviewed by Hisa Written by Isao Tokuhashi Mail to:   Alec Harris (UK) President of New Worlds Theatre (He’s been in Japan since ’96) The first place that he lived in in Japan was Iwate prefecture (Northern part of Japan) as an University professor. After the experience, he moved to Tokyo and established his theatre company. He is a person who hopes Tokyo becomes an international community including in the theatre area. He is cool to see the social issues and accept a “lesson” of being a foreigner in Tokyo. *Interview in Azabu-juban   I had never related to theatre play.


Tokyo gives me a big sense of freedom.

Interviewed & written by Isao Tokuhashi Mail to:   Charlotte Warren (UK) Translator (She’s been in Japan since ’99)   The second person is from the United Kingdom! Ms. Warren has been in Japan for almost seven years. She can speak Japanese like a native speaker! She says you have to use the language or you’ll never learn to speak it. *Interview in Shibuya 日本語     “Why not Japan?” Before I came to Tokyo, I used to be in Kanagawa Prefecture, next door to Tokyo. And then I have been in Tokyo for a couple of years. I wasn’t